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2020年开始的疫情带给我们伤痛和磨砺    也留下了思考的时间。红杉学社在这样的思考中淬炼成型。


红杉学社公开课做到了多学科覆盖 -- 自然科学/社科人文/教育学/商业管理/创业金融/职场就业/生物健康科学/计算机科学, 等等学科。学社旨在联合海内外学者共同打造一个有深度的海内外知识交流平台。和大家共同成长,蔚然成林。

​在这里您可以 --- 预定每周六的公益公开课,报名参加学社举办的线下活动并回顾往期活动内容,加入成为红杉学社会员享有活动优先报名权 & 成为红杉学社志愿者。


Welcome to Redwood Academy, a non-profit organization that aims to spread knowledge in Chinese speaking communities in the UK. We are a platform that connects academia, professionals, business people and students who share an interest in China and its culture, economy, politics and society.

Redwood Academy was founded in 2020 during the covid lockdown by Dr Xin Hao and Dr Lei Liu, two scholars who wanted to create a space for learning and exchange among Chinese elites in the UK and Europe. Since then, we have grown to become a vibrant and diverse community of more than 16,000 followers on our WeChat channels and groups.

We have successfully held more than 200 webinars and 20 face-to-face events across the UK and China, covering topics such as science, and technology, social science, life-science, entrepreneurship, arts, culture and personal development. We have invited more than 100 scholars, 50 professionals and 50 business people to share their insights and experiences with our audiences.

Our organization is managed by an elected committee under UK charity regulations classified as a small and self-governed charity (with donations less than £5000 annually). We are aiming to become a fully registered charity in the UK with a charity number by the end of this year.

We welcome anyone who is interested in joining our community and supporting our mission. You can contact us through our website or our WeChat channels. Thank you for visiting Redwood Academy!

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